Tuesday, November 15, 2011

use your brain

i don't know what the hell has happen to the facebook and this world.
there is some naked girl photo being shared and shared and shared within facebook
and even appear in the newspaper. 
the only thing that i can thought of....


firstly, i don't think it's something nice to be shared with everyone
as a girl, you have to learn to protect yourself, not betray YOU yourself.
what's the purpose for you to do that?? 
so you wanna live like an indigenous people or you wanna go back to stone age?? 

it's not a fashion. it doesn't make sense at all. 

well, if just ignore the stupid person that thought she live in stone age
what about those people who share the photos like non-stop?
it's alright after you saw it, like an accident
but you shared it. SHARED. S H A R E D. 

if that stupiak willing to be famous by those photos, 
you're the one help to reach her objective z.
if the girl is kena hack or something,
you're the one hurting the girl, not the one upload the photos. 

i don't understand the purpose of you all to share the photo like seriously.
with the title WTF?!!
you know to say it, but your action is also: WTF


자신이 없을 때는 동전을 던져보자.앞면이 나오면 "한다." 뒷면이 나오면 "그만두지 않는다.没有自信时扔一下硬币。正面是“做“, 翻面是”不放弃“。

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