this is the part i lik the most in this song!! and the back there "never ever" part!!! xD
listening HSM's songs all day today!! woohoooo~~syok!!! xD
nth to say... say some my favourite scene of HSM3 la, hehe
1. when Troy & Gabriella dance waltz while singing "can i have this dance"
2. when they practising their spring musical while singing " a night to remember"
3. when the cheerleading team shout "W-I-L-D WILDCAT!" xP
4. the kissing scene~~xD
5. the part they sing "we're all in this together" when the spring musical finish
6. the part they graduate...
stil got many many la~~~if say all out then is all the movie liao!! xD
i wont forget the scene when they sing the last time of HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL in the song " high school musical'....
yea i wont forget u all... T.T
thanks yeah shien....
deeply impressed.
LOL!! dont sot e u!!! hehe xDDDDD
... you ALL...= =lll
This blog very nice~~~ Good music~~^^
hehe. tq~~^ ^
hey sushi!!i like hsm too!!!hehe
lol... i knw!!
HI-5 again again!! lol xD
haha ^^
but didnt see you actually you're like them almost XP
dont sad for changing things la ~~
i'll try not to.
thx for caring ^ ^
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