today go out with ang, chee, loli, lyen, pang and leonard
do you know why i choose today?? do u??
coz HSM3 is out today!!! hooo~~~~~~~~~xD
waiting for long time alrdy... hehe
i suggest watch it at 1 borneo at first
cause there is bigger and more comfortable
but... nth can do anymore except movie
when me and chee and ang reach centre, we first met SAI GU MAO thr!!!
lol... he stil wear those clothes, as in school = =
then go palm square growball met the other
i also saw Hajar them at there, hehe
they also come watch HSM3, same cinema same time with us!!
but seat kinda far la... WE GOT THE LIANG SEAT!!! =D
but before movie we go eat lunch first, at secret recipe
tat's lyen's suggestion... vy rare, right? haha
but she just go there eat cake = = zhadao...
then movie time!!! 12noon~~^0^
after movie we go pai da tou tie~~~~ kinda luan tat time, keke
and also play tat TOK TOK... i dono wat's its name
after tat~~ we go warisan find chee's sis (get $$)
then go k-box... tat time gonna rain alrdy...
we sing... nt more than 2 hours there, i sang 3 times 为你而活
and i stil can talk and sing now!! woohoooo~~~ xDDD
then when we back... raining...= =lll
i need go chung hwa there met my dad... rain... omg...
then... i lazy say le. just go home la. hehe.
yesterday i didn update about today cause i'm waiting for pang
i wan she giv me the photo yesterday... but she didn online = =
fine... i just upload what i have now... kinda lame i tell u
and... mostly taken by lyen ok... xD
woohooo~~at growball, palm square
lyen. at secret recipe... SUPER SS-QUEEN!!!
miss pang pang~~~ ^ ^
i guess this is cappucino cheese cake. me kongsi with lyen. hehe..
miss pang's kids' meal!! kinda cute neh~~
all these da tou tie is under decoration~~~
... i think i use liao 2 hours lik tat for this blog... don say... don ask....= =
lol... wat o...xP
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