nt go shopping ok....
my "GO OUT" mean go out from my home...zzz...
i go practise grand piano at penampang..
well, nt really wan to repeat. alrdy write in my space thr.
and i go a shop saw something and something bla bla...
... u guess this is real d or nt... aiyo tell u la... JIA d... but look real = ="
actually i'm so got mood to blog whole afternoon...
but when i open my own comp... no mood liao = =
haiz.... mayb also coz of some reason... watever.
The character's name is PINK PANTHER....
k ba...
u still hvn tell me...hows the exam...=.=u say will post de wo...pian ren..
u hvn tell me hows the exam...go die la..u say will post in blog de...pian ren..=.=
hows ur piano exam...=.=u din post de..!!!u say post de wo!!pian ren!!huh!
go die la u!!!!!
no need repeat so many time la~~
= =
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