the TOTORO's cup!! * front and back view*
Kappa's shirt... *front and back view...*
Kappa's shoes~~~LOL
so, the rest souvenir from Japan need wait til my birthday just got... keke. I'M WAITING MY TOTORO~~~XD then today is the day for taking club photo... walao full-u vy hot lerh~~~= ="... oh oh thurday my class was having class photo taking right!!! tat BMW so spoil our mood o!!! Bobo wanna do a dance pose in front of us but it was accidently cover BMW... woow terus nget sai o her = =... then.... aiya just vy spoil la!! then back to today again la....
today club... woohooo marching day -.-... TL nget sai... but really lan ba march dao... i think say i'm good enough ok i knw i'm suck too.... today's weather VERY VERY good le!!! sunny day zzz.... panas... then i follow someone's car again lo... after buy 绵绵冰then go kian kok fetch someone lo... manatau wait liao about 1 hour there... then someone nget sai lo... aiya the 气氛好冷oo.... =(
then back home lorr just like this i think.... owh i hungry le zzz. tmw night will be going to KDCA watch something... errmm i dono wat's tat = = tata~~
nice shirt n shoes bah...
looking not bad...
...nice lah
Hahah I'm also have "Kappa" --- "kappa Slippers" XD
so long man this post XP
ahhhhh Kappa.... XD
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