wee~~this is the 疯狗which i always say~~ haha. but i think it's old enough til it don hv the OMGH to play liao... 以前它发癫没有人管到它的咯……它也老了啊……唉 =( this is it just care to play with its neighbour, didn choi us liao... owh hurt...xD
u see~~~even loli it also don choi her o~~~loli is its partner lai d lo~~ LOL jk xD
then we found tat this playground don hv thing to play d... so sienz o evything ROSAK liao d... the swing juz leave 2 can play... aduidui~~~
then.... thursday my aunty who lives in KL was coming back here... so hv plenty of activities LOL. Friday after schu then they fetch me go along with us to warisan... u guess do wat?? >>>>>>> eat yogurt berry = = coz my aunt wan eat wa~she got the erm... something watever = =. then they bilibala thr~~ sienz. then night we go 1B eat lo... 金糖thr.
owhhh i really have to say tat my bro grow up liao... 你们知道他多少岁吗?哈哈~~~
then today also sienz d... club a...真得很会折磨人哦~~这边march 又要去那边march, 刚keluar baris又要masuk baris, luruskan barisan 的时候又一直玩人家baris baris那边……累哦~~~~~~~~~~~after the marching they start their game lurR~~me and loli play play xia see ppl play liao haha~~have fun then ok lu =)
owh i hate this hand and the nails vy much!!
what the hell partner oo...
hkl's partner lah
damn u...
i love scout
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