Monday, September 13, 2010


yeah! finally i come to update my bloggie le, hehe
back sabah few days alrdy, feel so sienzz
just like what looney said.. evything become so slow ==
hmmm... didn do much thing at these few days but relax~~ haha
see pictures la~ lazy talk hehehehe X)

mango pudding~ mami do geh, nice o~~ XD

day out!! long time didn see this scene liao~~

kelisa!! wa dono how miss this seat and bla bla bla... but tat day dono why my skill vy cacat.. make dao evy photo also cacat ==

at suria~~ going to watch piranha... ishh this movie really a, i dono hw to say ="= and this is the first time i saw SOMEONE watch movie watch dao so big reaction... XD!! still empty empty d the suria... open so many months liao stil like tat == owh, and ang also go along too, hehe...

pizza as lunch~ so full... ordered meal 3, lagsana? and chicken wings... eii, 2 ppl eat only ok? ==

before the movie (3.30pm) we go have a high tea first... did i told u we have our lunch at 1pm?==

after the movie then wan send ang go back d ma, manatau we 心血来潮,go schu find ah b and ah lan who are working for their club... hey nw is holiday nehh...

miss ah b~ my lovely daughter lol... aiya just d... XD!

MR. ANG lol pls wear nice bit next time ok XD

ah lan disappear... since she heard got ppl say DINNER TIME then she gone... == after chit chat then we really go back le... hehehe

before going to dinner at upper X) look so sohai == aikss, don like tat bah, long time didn ss liao XP

my fish and chips... full also... dono why vy very full tat day whole day... ><.... after the dinner then we went to my uncle thr... visit my grandma X)
hmm... this is my solao brother... yerr he become so tall and dark jor o! higher than me alrdy... i thought he's still studying primary schu?!

after tat then really go home le, hehe. last picture X) so fast then few days has gone... still got a lot of thing haven do and eat aaa!!

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