lol... gonna post something happen at... last last week? hehe
went to sunway pyramid meet ah b!!! yay champion lolssss

hmmm... but this happened one night before our date, hehe. long time didn eat KFC... coz i not really like them but tat day sooooooo miss them LOL. but i rather sabah KFC's coleslaw... or upper's?? XD

ah bbbbb!!! XD her bot cong face still there, hehe~~ so happy can meet her here~~~ miss her so muchiie!! T.T waiting u come KL study ya~~ but that time it's u come find us, ehehehe. the 合照at ah b thr... ><.....

dinner at sunway, something really like uncle bob =.=....

us at the toilet...

KL night view?? --.--

owhh, while waiting for the bus X)

the next day, KFC again.... always fast food with the pig.....

and, pizza hut delivery... i rather this than the mcd! ==

lastly, pasar malam..
ok next~~
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