哎,真不听话 =P
damn... computer sot again cant type chinese = =
well, this movie is not as good as i thought
but hkl say it's nice....
yea it's still but... aiya just not same as what i expect la~~
not really like the ending anyway =(
just let it la~~~
the bear bear christmas tree of 1B. even 1B also support pink hse o LOL XD
we just walk here walk there again la~~
searching TARGET, ehehe~~

yea we still love to BOT CONG la wakaka~~XP
today just like that lu~~
yaya i know, SPM hvn finish ma, stil need to study ma...
i still got CHINESE and GEO.
and do u believe it? i tried to study geo last night.
1st page, 2nd page, 3rd page, zzz....
damn bored ooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
so many ojibala d thing...ZZZ
i kinda regret for choosing GEO when i choose subject in J3....
why i choose geo lerh??
why i didn choose chinese history???
which i more interested and more understand...
although it also bored and useless.....
but now, i have to hafal peta, bandar, piramid, kerak bumi, aliran sungai...
BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!! macam macam!!!!!!!
and!!! i need to study 1 more day for the SPM while the others alrdy on their holidays!!!!
GAAAAAA!!!! ><....
....ok i try go to figure it out now.... TATA