Sunday, May 31, 2009
但是有一点spoil 啦…………

Friday, May 29, 2009
bye bye my lovely sun~~
then we did draw this thing... aiyo go beach d传统la XD
hmmm... i think evyone alrdy hungry le~~~ ah hee hee XD
but i went home early... coz something to do ><. then this is the first thing i need to do during my precious holiday... haiz. dono tmw will how nehh.....
Thursday, May 28, 2009
taggie =O
2. Sister : 1
3. Brother : 1
4. Shoe Size : cheh all nt same d =P
5. Height : 161cm? lol
6. Where do I live? : Sepangar
7. Favourite drinks : just water la~~XD
8. Favourite breakfast : watever la~~
9. Have you ever been on a plane : got...
10. Swam in the ocean : even pool also don hv le....
11. Fallen asleep at school : hmm... u say le? XD
12. Broken someone's heart : ... yea.... omez lagi....=(
13. Fell off your chair : erm erm.... forgotten
14. Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : hmm... never gua O.o
15. Save e-mails : didn delete include bo?
16. What is your room look like? : a room = =
17. What's right beside you? : piano... phone... bla bla bla
18. What is the last thing you ate : cake ^ ^
19.Ever had chicken pox : not yet o...
20. Sore throat : always after sing K XD
21. Stitches :
22. Broken nose : = =....
23. Do you believe in love at first sight? : no...
24. Like picnics? : never O.o
25. Who was the last person you danced with? : never dance before...zzz
26. Last made you smile : when update blog? lol
27. You last yelled at : HKL XD
28. Talk to someone you like : ??
29. Kissed anyone : ermmm.. =P
30. Get sick : who remember....
31. Talk to an ex : Lolz
32. Miss someone : yes? no??
33. Eat : ahhh eat too much recently...T.T
34. Best feeling in the world : evything is around me =)
35. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? : KATAK!! XD
36. What's under your bed? : KATAK!!! XDD
37. Who do you really hate : hate... nt really hv ne O.o
38. What time is it now? : 9.30pm
39. Is there a person who is on your mind now : lalala~
40. Do you have any siblings? : just nw nt ans liao 1 sis 1 bro meh...
41. Do you want children? : see first la~~stil a long way to go
42. Do you smile often : smile..... laugh e? XD
43. Do you like your hand-writting : HATE OOOOO
44. Are your toe nails painted? : NO... =(
45. Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : my parents'? lol
46. What colour shirt are you wearing now? : purple...
47. What were you doing at 7p.m. yesterday? : ermm waiting dinner XD
48. I can't wait till : TMW~!!!!!
49. When did you cry last? : ermm... when le a? O.o
50. Are you a friendly person : CONFIRM~~wakaka
51. Do you have any pets : yee-o & oh-yee!!! XD
52. Where is the person you have feelings for right now? : home? lol
53. Did the last person you hold hand with mean anything to you now? : i did hold many ppl's hand ne XD
54. Do u sleep with the TV on? : my room don hv TV = =
55. What are you doing right now? : answering la. si chun =P
56. Have you ever crawled through a window? : yes? LOL
57. Can you handle the truth? : dono
58. Are you too forgiving? : maybe??
59. Are you closer to your mother or father? : Mother
60. Who was the last person you cried in front of? : tissue = =
61. How many people can you say you've really loved? : just THEM =D
62. Do you eat healthy? : .. i think no...XD
63. Do you still have pictures of you and your ex? : no...
64. Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you? : yea...
65. If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to? : no... hvn found tat ppl. gua.
66. Are you loud or quiet most of the time? : BOTH BOTH~~
67. Are you confident? : super NO
68. 5 things I was doing 10 years ago: lost in my primary schu = =.. cut short hair.. T.T... ermm i really forgot le O.o
69. 5 things on my to-do list today: study.. eat cake.. update blog.. sms.. slp...
70. 5 snacks I enjoy: evything i eat is snack d la~~
71. 5 things I would do if I were a Billionaire: BUY BUY BUY & BUY!!! the rest see first XD
72. 5 of my bad habits: lazy.. easy forget thing.. noob.... rude... leave one for u to say la XD
73. 5 people to tag: mumu, loli, lyen, leonard, reila....
it's HER bday!!!
these days kinda busy with the EXAM (sh*t)...
look at my cutie yee-o~~~
tmw is the last day of exam!!! woohooo~~~
but holidays like don seems nice for me... zzz.
will be very busy next week... haiz.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Sunday, May 24, 2009
someone late again... zzz
so we go gai gai first~~then go eat pizza
walao shouldnt be so greedy d...
we order a set of meal which consist of 1 regular pizza, 2 soup, 2 drinks, 4 stick bread
and.... 2 plate of spagheti = =
ben lai wan salad, snack and chicken wings d...zzz
so full o after that....
then we rush to cinema for NIGHT AT MUSEUM 2
woohooo!!! tat's all la
tmw... chi and BK. GOSH.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
if you're smart then u can read this, by microsoft
the feeling i have now is so weird
weird til i dono hw to describe it.
feel like dying.
am i going to die??
if really like tat, mayb i'll happy then
but after that i'll be very regret, bcoz i lost evyting in my life
there are a lot of things running in my mind
complicated... and pain.
i started give up on evything. as u do.
i.. i really dono wat to do.... feel lik nth...
i'm nt a MUST... as the other do.
rubbish thinking should be stop isnt it?
evything i thought was nt going in the way i thought of
this world is really unfair u knw....
haiz... i scare some smart ppl might read this so i don type out the point la....
the secrets.... all in 1.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
sunday matter
the only fries we left... LOLZZ
then we go walk walk here, walk walk there lo~~ coz waiting the movie to start ma~~~ we watching COMING SOON lol why i felt so nervous tat time?!! not really scary actually... zzz. we walked into mini toon again while waiting the movie to start, hehe.
this totoro pillow very comfort o!!!!
wa... what do u think? = =
... this is the first time i didn finish my popcorn when i came out from the cinema... damn movie = = then we went BOB BOB LAND watever play game again lu... lol tat drum game d drum stick is broom stick lai d....= =".... then we go play....
... this one. this thing can help you do exercise lo!!! it's better than go jogging evyday!!!! ahahaha~~~ we were so highhhhh when playing this! luckily there was just few ppl around there~~~ XD then we go home lo~~~~
walao if evy sunday lik this... bankrap dao bao o!!! but vy happy la.... hiak hiak XD
Saturday, May 16, 2009
放学后我们就带它们一起去club咯不然~~XD 又玩他们咯~今天club 要去散步哇~~散步……我第一次散步散到酱辛苦的!
玫瑰哦~~~ *中间那朵是蓝色的!*
this is from LOLI d~~~ahaha pak cik! XD
Monday, May 11, 2009
我的17岁~~[ 准备& sushi篇]
……好像不是很清楚厚?我明明有用我自己的手机拍下来的!!可是不知做么不见了…………T.T 至于是怎样的惊喜呢~~不。跟。你。讲!XD
然后第二天呢~~中午时分就来到某某人的家啦,哈哈。还看到有人推住脚踏车上去哦~~噢好可怜……XDD 然后呢……摸了一下就去做emm我们的午餐?还是我的生日餐?哈哈随便啦~
搅啊搅啊~~~hkw & ang ^ ^
haha, 终于看到我那张样衰的脸了…………
啊啊啊啊!!谁的手?到底是谁的手?! T.T
这次先这样啦,等相片齐了我再完完整整的post出来!bye bye larRR~~~~