Saturday, January 31, 2009
下午无端端HKL & HKW 来我家打 rummy...
才玩了1 个钟酱哦……哈哈
好彩我在最后一 round 的时候赢了一点,哈哈
然后就和 hkl & my sis 去1 B 看赤壁2。。。
不错看啦~~13 岁禁……关我什么事……xD
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
然后就去city mall 走走……很多店没有开门
去Hana 吃午餐……wee sushi 好好吃 xD
然后回家……大概1 点多到咯
就很无聊的到了 2 点多……
跟hkl sms 然后我讲去 1 B 吧就去了……
3 点多到那边……几多人一下。hkw 也有去哦,哈哈
她又好 park 不 park,park 到那种不知什么地方……
然后就去买手表……这是我们的目的 xD
选了几久一下……最久是 hkl 咯……慢到生!
不知做么就去吃 donut... 哇很久没有吃了
但衰到贪心……我跟HKL 一人3 个,HKW 不要哇~~
3 个都买了戒指,都不同款啦!
讲台语的……不用进我喜欢台语 xD
但我姐姐讲她帮我download... 我看快好了吧……
zhadao 咯我打算在戏院大哭一场地说……
watever la...
aiya pening again....
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
老了的身体真是不中用啊 XD
今天7点起床……要命啊酱早……不知做么一起身就想听下雨天……就听了15分钟酱咯……然后就去准备。8.10出门去……全家人都还在睡觉……先去载凌子修,kolombang那边。很好了咯还找到地方,哇咔咔~然后就是loli跟lyen咯……几远一下……我一定记不起要怎样去的,你们说是吧?哈哈。在那边等了半个钟,至于等谁…心照啦……终于要去eason's hse了!很好找可是还有“一点点”技术上的问题啦,驾车技术。
到了,拜了年(算是拜了吧?)不久就开台啦。玩rummy先……全部人都是鸡手鸭脚玩的,除了那个pro 啊...谁?loli 咯~~我很想知道你有什么不会玩的= = 麻将会不会哦?会的话下次我家要kaki就找你咯 xD 然后就玩21点……加埋 ah lai n kwang...玩咯玩咯~~输光光。其实我不知我到底输或是赢,忘记本钱多少……不过看来都是输的啦。然后2pm酱就走咯,去吃KFC,ZINGER TOWER AGAIN~~SUI AHH!! XD thanks for spending me =P then go didadi''s hse... so we didadi here didadi thr, hmm... bit fan la xD 然后就去centre看戏,刚刚吃东西的时候讲了的。didadi 也跟哦~第一次跟我们出哦她,哈哈。麻烦你啦~看“家有喜事”. neh 有一个没有义气跟良心的人看了哇~~不理照看,嘻嘻。根本就是ngong 戏,哈哈~~= =
看完又在那边走来~走去~~又去做名字= = 懒惰…做够久哦~选来选去。我没钱啊!没有做……就站那边闷闷得等……zz……然后didadi 就走咯……然后我们也走了……间中的插曲(飞机人= =)不用讲了呱……上到车每个人都像一piek 烂泥酱……回家的回家咯~~我8点多才回到家。又没胃口了……唉。我觉得明天我讲话会有问题了……我又懒了……钱又没了……T.T
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
wat did i do?!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
唉,mao bian lu~~~
昨天跟leonard, HKL, lyen and 2 other boys go sing k...
got buffet o... RM23++ la...
but 3 hours nt enough for us... for we expand 1 hour lagi lo... til 3pm
when bill... VERY BEAUTIFUL lo... zzz
we forgot to sing CNY song... so...
before we go, we sing liao 3 CNY songs... LOL
got迎春花,恭喜恭喜... one more dono wat alrdy... Forgotten xD
tat time very high lu~~haha
tat time got at there d knw wat i mean la... almost 断气.... hehe
after tat then go centre lu... wanna make a keychain name for nee...
done le... but.... haiz. nothing la.
then we go game chang play lu~~ palm square tat one
hmm... i play 3 times 篮球机... tired le.
first time 68, second 86, last time 93....
then go home.... hmm kinda tired lik tat...
night go out to kk nitemarket... so lame o....
12 something cai back... so sleepy la please ><#
back to today.... sigh
i wake up at 9 something... say alrdy, today 's a busy day....
need to wake up early to help my parents...evything... zzzz
if u at my home then u'll hear my name evywhr at anytime... in my hse
so fan o them... ><# sigh....
then i wash dishes wash liao about half an hour or more...
luckily today nt many ppl come...
随便啦……我没得选 T.T
Thursday, January 22, 2009
SUCKER!!! ><#
what have u did to the girl?
you just know how to hurt her!!! ><#
seem like none my business but... bu shuang la ish!!!!
you drop off all the faces of BOYS!!!
我会看着用的啦……但愿, keke
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
i got it!!! xD
i feel so FREE now~~
evything become so nothing for me...
i think i describe with wrong word alrdy...nvm xD
today just happy la, coz i solve a problem alrdy... so free!!!
the rest is my personality problem liao... haiz
i'll try my best to change myself!!!
today after schu liao so sienz...
i go canteen find sofia and loli o...
and scouts also at there marching.. walao... scare dao me liao =S
wan me marching lik tat... dono wan practise for hw long lu
then go see car... sis come fetch me = =
then i saw she mad... OK LA!!! XD
she said wan walking around OUR schu wa... walk lo.....
she taking pics there also.. said happy wa saw many ppl prepared for sport day...
she keep saying herself vy weird and aunty look and stupid...(hmm.. kinda =P)
but i don found anything weird a...
miss ur high schu vy weird meh??
ur high schu's memories were here, waiting u to wake it up....
if i got chance to back to my schu again afer garaduate,
i'll also do the same thing as my sis did =)
my blog wont have any pic... until my own comp come back
and i dono when is it.... just wait lu~~~
no ppl read my blog also d la... nvm.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
oh...= =
mine take to service le... zzz
i so hoping to blog but nw... speechless
how come o?? sigh...
a lot of words inside both my heart and head now
many till i dono which should i think about first...
and i cant sign in my msn through window live... hw come again??
ahhhhh!!!!!!!! ><#
.... you got to hurt me a lot today...
tat scene again... haiz.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
didn update 1 week lik tat liao... gonna die...T.T
nt at home nw a... haiz
i got many thing to post o...
stupid comp....T.T
wanna post HKL's bady...
wanna post my new stuff from singapore...
wanna post hw to eat the hello kitty....
wanna post about last night dinner....
wanna post about b**ch....
and many many else... OMGOSH....
take the comp to service... dono when la.
CNY coming soon....
better say it nw... coz dono when can update again.....
schu... haiz.
Friday, January 9, 2009
not yet not yet...
will show u hw to eat this candy properly next time, hehe.
and few more candy... thx thx thx!!
so what? i'm stil a rock star LOL!!
see u tmw~~xD
p/s: time=$$$ xD
Thursday, January 8, 2009
passing by...
just ngam ngam got time and i'm at my mom's shop nw...
hmm... 3 days without comp... hvn die o... xD
schu day.... start boring. haiz....
my class was so lan c o.... ::><::
so quiet... cant even compare as last year our math class tiam... haiz
so cham.... zzz.....
then no time and gotta say goodbye...
updated again this saturday... zzz
Sunday, January 4, 2009
last day o...
new classroom, new classmates, new form teacher...
a lot new things... wanna knw which house i am this year...
pls do blue or purple... green also can... juz don
pink enough liao... zzz
but regret for going out today, zzz. lik wasting my time
10 something go out first go wisma buy my bro new schu bag...
haiz why tat day he don buy?!! ><# waste time there...
then whole afternoon ngong ngong there(nt wisma)... zzz....
finally home when 7pm... bored dao bao....
i saw this cat at the restaurant... it's nt black in color d lo. it's GREY in color~~rare o~~~~watever
sometimes i feel so love my schu (OMG!!) yea i got problem blek xP
see wat will happen tmw....
nice to meet u all, my new classmate!! xD
Saturday, January 3, 2009
walao super geng liao this time!!!
this kinda nice lo i think... the color i lik o!!! but i think better don buy la... waste... hehe. and another lik handbag lik tat d... and a clothes... aiks. never mind. i don care... LOL. 3 nike shop also go liao... zzz. my bro buy the most lu, zzz. then my dad at adidas there buy liao 1 bag... = = well... then go eat pizza hut (i didn eat the roof xD) yummy!!
been walk to asia city and warisan also... centre all floor i walk liao...zzz. then 3 something someone came and spend me mcflurry~~oreo... wee~ nt bad, haha. next time spend me again a! xD but the monkey girl i juz kidding d... don buy k. mumu say don wan =P
see!! so cute o~~warisan also go liao many times today. zzz... doesnt matter la, last time liao... sigh... this time is the most geng d liao!!! haiz... never mind. don say u don lik or i'll kill u = = 5 something then go eat chicken rice, vy~nice o! tat wen ya... the best chicken rice i've eaten LOL!!! wont forgot its taste... hehe
lao ban!! ni de ji fan shi zui bang d!!! xD
... then the rest photo will be uploaded...
when i wanna xD
Friday, January 2, 2009
better don read this ><
then my answer is: why not??
blogging is one of the method to express urself,
and help ourselves to remember something have been happened in our life
my friend choose to have a blog but don wanna other to read the post
so, her blog can say like empty like that
why don let us view ur blog?? is it too much secret there?
or talking abt out bad there?? too many feeling there?
too many things which can be shared?
sometime i feel lik my friends not my friends
we didn share our feelings like the others do
we dono each other well
we don understand each other mind
wat also dono.
is tat call friend? i dono. haiz.
and my friends like nt really close to each other when i'm nt there
i nt really wanna be the point
hmm... like say dao me vy important like tat...
i dono hw to describe my feeling nw, it juz... complicated.
been view someone's blog today, someone u all dono d
almost all abt love thing. so sick = =
she's like got many ppl in her love life...
change vy fast, but also hurt vy deep
i dono if tat's her fault at all or wat, i dono her
juz same schu with me when primary schu
and got bit bu shuang her d lo... hehe. but it doesnt matter.
wat's love? hw come it can make ppl feel so happy and sad in a sudden??
why we knw love will hurt us like hell but stil have to accept it??
scare. really scare.
i rarely talk about my past to the other
or i should say tat i never talk and wont talk...
i'll continue when i got this kind of mood.
now very bu tiam...
nobody will really understand wat's love....
....i didn emo =P
Thursday, January 1, 2009
happy new year!!
while sitting at the flying thing... haven start play la xD
then go playing tat something they call "xi yi ban"...
hmm... vibration vy geng... my head feel so heavy when i play tat...
one of the game we play. just betting. aiks 2 hok sin also cant win o... haha. didn win any of the game... such a wasting of $$... then hok sin's sisters go play with her big sis's friends, xi yi ban again... me and hok sin go play ghost house... if u scare dolls then u can go play tat ghost house, oh mama waste m y $$ only = =# why i didn pick the dolls go out from there?!! ><# next time go lap...xD then 11.30pm go countdown... padang merdeka there.
tat time vy vy vy jam... so we parking at GSC there and walk go there... walk til half then 2009 le... the fire works were really nice!! but my lan c phone cant take liang picture at night... when we really reach padang merdeka... fire works finish le = = and evyone go home... so high o when the fire works start... traffic jam there all cars horn!! haha.. and i almost fall into longkang... si moto!! then go yaamcha...
gaya street there... mayb it's too late or wat, tat shop... really dono wat to say. order right... we say cola, he say don hv. chinese tea, don hv. beer, don hv... ask liao many things he stil say don have!! then we ask him got wat he said just got orange and cincau... zhadao.. why he don say from start?! haiz... then "clever" wei order cincau, i also wan order... then he said... " cincau ada satu saja"... suan, i don wan le... zzz... then we go lido find thing eat again... or i should say them... hehe.
then back to today.... 01/01/2009~~me wake up at 10 something then go out... first go to 1 Borneo. shopping la... zzz. i bought some clothes from there o!! nt bad la... body glove has discoutn man... whole shop 50% discout... accessories 20% la.... got a pants at there and i like it very very much!! just left L size... too bog for me so didn buy... T.T ...having McDonald as lunch there. i really rather KFC, but full jor... sigh.
then stil go to karamunsing and wisma... walao wisma so many ppl o... especially tong's there... and i met eason there. he say he look after his dad's shop wa... i just saw him standing outside the shop la... xD then go buy my school shoes then go home... parents got a dinner tonight. this is my first day of 2009...
my little cow cow~~moo~~~~hehe. thx a =D
hmm... my first post of 2009 very annoying... haiz. i'm so bad T.T
and don forget,
tie ur seat belt if don wanna be saman!! ma fan!!!!